I was squeamish at first when we set down for lunch. We chose a cafe at Bondi and just wanted to spend the afternoon chatting and catching up. So basically we both were not going to have a heavy meal. But the choices on the menu were the standard menu that you will find any where. I was keen to choose the wrap but was not too keen with the dressings. After contemplating for long and when the waitress came by, I mustered my courage and asked if I could design my own wrap fillings. She came back after briefly talking with the manager and she said yes! I was like, wow! My next question was ( I know I should have asked all the questions at one go...but...anyway) , is that going to cost me more than the price that they have stated on the menu. Again she went to ask the cafe manager and came with a strong NO! Wow! Not wanting to be known as the fussy customer, I just went ahead and ordered wrap with shredded broiled chicken with lettuce, with heaps of carrot and cucumber (thinly sliced) , diced tomatoes and spinach. I didn´t want any dressing but I realised it will be too dry for me to eat it. So I went for the mustard dressing only.
It tasted good! I normally would have had hot chocolate or Mocha along with it but I decided to go for plain cup of coffee with no milk or sugar. It was a really good lunch. I wonder if this "make-your-own" versions of wraps and sandwiches are available at other cafes as well apart from their selections? I was too shy to initiate and ask if that is possible until my friend said, it will mean I would sit and just watch her eat her lunch...lol...or I would have to order whatever the menu had! I am glad I asked. Nothing wrong in asking I suppose. I feel really good that I managed to stick with my healthy diet plan ! Kuddos to me =)
For dinner, I wasn´t specifically feeling too hungry. I had a cup of orange and apple juice with soy linseed bread. I still have oats and oatmeal biscuits or the golden kiwis if I am feeling hungry later on.
But there is another crucial challenge for me tomorrow, that is the trip to Canberra. I´m not sure if I should pack lunch. I was thinking of a simple egg sandwich on a toasted soy linseed bread. Noting the success of what happened today, I am not sure if I should try and attempt to re-create the same situation again. Should I take the risk. I may feel horrible if that was not possible! But also the thought of having to get up so early in the morning say around 4am or so to have it done and packed, makes me cringe.... Ummmm...stay tuned to tomorrow´s blog to know what happens !
Recipe for today:
Brekkie : 1/2 cup oatmeal with 1 tablespoon of dried raisins. 1 cup Green Tea
Lunch : Tortilla wrap with shredded broiled chicken (approx. 2 tablespoon), cucumber and carrots, thinly sliced (approx. 3 table spoon), Lettuce (approx. 3 tablespoon) & diced tomatoes & a spinach with mustard dressing (1 tablespoon) with black coffee (no sugar added)
(please take note that this was ordered from a menu and I requested to specifically have these ingredients in my wrap. As such I am not too sure of the exact amount of ingredients used but from what I got, I assumed according to 1 large tablespoon measurement).
Dinner : 1 large cup of Orange & Apple Juice ( freshly blended - No sugar just water added to the fruits), 1 slice of Soy Linseed Bread & 2 oatmeal biscuits & Rose Tea (No sugar added).
2 days have passed since my start of my diet plan. I have refrained from chocolates, sweet stuff like EasyWay/ 85C Hot Green Tea or having hot chocolate...no cheese so far or snacks or cup noodles. Excellent! Proud of myself for sticking with my plan so far =)
That´s all from me today,
Stay tuned for the 3rd day Diet Plan and have a fabulous Saturday!
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