During a casual talk with a friend today, he asked me how will I define success. It took me a good while before I could reply him. To me success is not how much you earn or the number of publications or even how big the place a I live in. It simply boils down to the fact , whether I am happy at the end of the day. If I am than I have been successful in whatever I had done for the day. I mean, its simple. If I know I have had a good day or even helped someone else feel happy for the day along, than I had been successful in being a good human which translates to how I feel at the end of each day. If I do not feel good about what happened in any day, than I have not been successful in achieving what I set out to do.
Success is seen and felt in different ways. To me, money stays and goes, its not permanent, so are the things that comes with it. It just evolves and never stays the same and if you were to associate your success with money and things that you own, you will never be happy, you will never be successful as you keep moving the bar of expectations up . It will always seem higher and higher, making you doubt in yourself that you may never be successful.
Don't mistake Success with Goals. Success takes many forms, you can be a successful teacher, friend, cook and so on. But goals are different for everyone. Its intertwined with ambition, love, passion, dreams, plans and sum all of them up and you have your GOAL...having to achieve your goal is one form of success....
So yes, my answer is, success lies in the all simple forms that happens and takes place everyday that without you knowing, starts to build up " Success" as seen in your own world...
Have a great evening all...