So the other day, I stepped into the huge Sephora store at Vivo City only to be amazed by the vast number of brands staring at me. It was quite intermediating...cos I really had no intention to buy anything. I was immediately bombarded by the sale girls letting me know about the discounts, sales and what I need...I mean, seriously!, You know what I need? Do I look so horrendous? Those beauty make up suggestions was scaring me & I was slowly losing my confidence...
So I quickly had to pry myself away from this sales girl and dart to Clinique section. I hardly use Clinique but pretended that I was looking at a product. Just to get the over enthusiastic salesgirl away. As soon as I noticed that I was left alone...I was smiling like a little child thrown into a candy land. There was so many selections. Smashbox, Dior, Benefit, bareMinerals, various brands of perfumes and the list goes on...
Where should I start...I was kind of lost for a moment but it was a good feeling cos I could actually take my time wander about and start sensing these items on my own. It was like make myself familiarise with the place before targeting what I may need.
As I walked into the Smashbox section, I was amazed at the eye shadows, gel eye liners, lip liners, and so on...slowly I moved into the Anna Sui counter and again was amazed by the array of choices before me. Finally I ended in the Bare Minerals section. I have heard so much about it and I was eager to see if I can finally find a mineral powder for my skin tone. I am honey coloured & I need a pink undertone to lift the yellow undertone that I have. Only then can my face have a glowing and not a ashy look to it. Finally, I needed the advise of the salesgirls there. So I saw one of them and all I needed to do was smile at her. She zipped to me in a flash and was ready with her make up brush kit to apply and explain.
She listened to what I needed rather than pile on information of the numerous products there. I instantly started to like her. She was patient and explained the use of mineral powder and how to apply it onto my face. Finally, found the right colour. It was perfect. Looked as if I was not wearing anything and yet covered my freckles almost well. As I was too eager to purchase the 8g container of the powder, she stopped and explained to me that I have an option to spend $51 ( a few more dollars) and get their starter kit which will have the sample primer and a the finishing powder along with a bronzer with the addition of the actual size foundation powder & 3 normal sized brushes. What a cool deal!
The only disappointment was the Smashbox eyeliner. It dries out too fast and I don't like its stiff after application on my eyelids. I think I will stick with the Maybelline Eye Studio Gel pot. Its the best so far and I love the eyeliner brush that it comes with...
Do you have a story to share about salesgirls who are too pushy? Come & share with me...
Till next time,