We had awesome girlie fun most of the times. We also had times when we had relationship or family problems and we kept each other company and stayed together through trying times. The best was when we used to sit around the Quad building at the University of New South Wales and enjoy afternoons with our Ice Chocolates, we would discuss on what our futures will look like. We had big plans. Some of us wanted to start our own business, become world or the best financiers, researchers, and so on. And now when I met up with Jessica I realised that not many of us actually realised our dreams and plans. I wonder how many groups of friends out there have faced a similar circumstance.
Looking back, we were these young (and still a young bunch) with heaps of enthusiasms and eager to prove ourselves. But now, looking at the current situation, almost all of us managed to move on and achieve our dreams and turned it to reality. But there are a few, who are still discovering themselves. Jessica and myself started to reminiscence on the things that we did and looked back and longed to rewind time back to the joyful carefree days. But unfortunately that can´t be done.
But it is good to know, that the few who managed to achieve their dreams are happy and those who did not are not giving up. As or me, I am happy that I have set myself a plan and almost there in achieving it. I love teaching and I am currently hired within the University as a tutor (which is similar to an Assistant Lecturer ´s Job else where). I am keenly and progressively building up on my resume and so far it is looking good. I am still loving research and love how I handle teaching commitments along with the planning of the teaching curriculum. So at least for me, my direction and path that I wish to follow is taking shape and I am happy. As for those friends who are still seeking to shape their paths, I will always support and encourage you . Don´t give up ans be confident of yourself. For those who had gotten the jobs that they wanted to...good on you and all the best....
And it was great seeing you Jessica...